About Me

I am a software enginner with experience in Python, Flask, SQLAlchemy, JavaScript, React, and Redux. I'm passionate about problem solving, debugging, and writing clean, semantic code. I'm happiest in that flow when I'm completely immersed in a complex problem. I love working on a team and pair programming. I am always looking for more opportunities to delve into new languages, frameworks or mathematical concepts. When not developing amazing apps, I enjoy surfing and exploring new places around the beautiful island of Oahu!



Pair Yo’ Pet
Pet matching web app

Create an account and add your pets to your profile! Browse and match your pets with others helping them get that social interaction they need! Message other owners directly on the app!

  • React/Redux Frontend
  • Flask/SQLAlchemy Backend with Python and PostgreSQL
  • High Quality Images stored on AWS S3

Quest Trackr
Productivity web app

Post quests, view open quests, and join others on raids! Gain experience points along the way.

  • PUG Templating Frontend
  • Express/Sequelize Backend with Node.js and PostgreSQL
  • Utilized Vanilla JavaScript to render elements from an AJAX call to an API route

Social Platform web app

Create your free account to post/share your best jokes and comment on joke posts! Plus message other users!

  • React/Redux Frontend
  • Flask/SQLAlchemy Backend with Python and PostgreSQL
  • Custom backend and frontend user authentication pattern

Want to get in touch?